Sunday, October 18, 2015

The peacock (also known as peafowl) is a medium sized bird most thoroughly related to the pheasant. Unlikeit's common pheasant cousin that inhabits areas of the Northern Hemisphere, the peacock is found in warmer climate of the Southern Hemisphere, with the peacock being most commonly found in India. ...
The parrot is a middle sized group of birds with the parrot being greatest known for it's really brightly coloured feathers, and the capability of some parrot species to talk, as these classes of parrots are able to mimic sounds made by other animals such as humans. ...

Friday, October 2, 2015

The magpie is a small to medium sized bird that is found through the globe. The magpie is most closely related to the crow, but the magpie has highly discernable black and white feathers which make magpies easy to spot. ...